Wordless Wednesday 2013 #45 - Mwah!
Those of you who've visited me on Facebook recently will have seen a couple of these photos, but they're so funny I couldn't resist sharing them for Wordless Wednesday! While I was visiting my elderly mum in Malta recently, I took her to one of her favourite places - the Bird Park at Salina. As we were enjoying a coffee, this adorable fellow was trying to attract our attention from the other side of the glass window. He succeeded!!!
Wordless Wednesday is a great way to meet new people, just post a photo on your blog (words are optional, but I'm a chatterbox!) then add your link below. Feel free to grab my button from the sidebar, and if you have time please leave a comment as I love to hear from you! Link up with other WW participants this week by clicking on one or more of the thumbnails below. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

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Someone once said that comments are like chocolates - you can never eat just one. As a chocoholic, I love to dip into your replies, and always respond to as many comments as I can!
Erika x