Wordless Wednesday 2014 #15 - Praying Mantis

The praying mantis is a strange looking creature - in addition to looking like it is praying, it can turn its triangular head 180 degrees, and has two large compound eyes and three smaller eyes. The female praying mantis eats the male just after mating (and sometimes during!) I took this photo last year in Laos, while we were travelling in the Far East. Some people keep them as pets, but I think I'll stick with my cocker spaniel :)
Wordless Wednesday is a fun way to meet new bloggers. Just post a photo on your blog (words are optional, though I'm not too good at silence!) then add a link to your post in the Linky below. You can link up with other WW participants this week by clicking on one or more of the thumbnails and, in case you've missed any, click here to see some of my previous WW posts. If you have time please leave a comment as I love to hear from you. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

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Erika x